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Welcome to the webpage of my LOT Winter School 2025 course on the phonetics and phonology of prosody. Here you will find the programme, readings that are not available online, and lecture notes. I'll start populating the site in December 2024.

Course logistics & description

Course title: The phonetics and phonology of prosody

Teacher:  Amalia Arvaniti

Affiliation:  Radboud University

Course Level: Intermediate

Course Prerequisites: Familiarity with Praat and essentials of speech acoustics (e.g., f0, formants, VOT) will be helpful​

Course Description

Prosody is an umbrella term that refers to intonation, rhythm, and phrasing, phenomena that apply at the utterance level. Prosody is an essential part of early language acquisition and critical for speech planning, processing, and communication. Despite its importance, the study of prosody remains relatively limited and often restricted to measuring its phonetic exponents without due attention to the structure that underlies their use, a practice that can hamper our understanding (e.g. by unwittingly introducing confounds in experimental design). In this course we will cover the essential components of prosody from both formal and experimental perspectives, considering typologically different languages. Each class will address a differ aspect of prosody and include a lecture, reading discussion, and a practical hands-on component. The course should be useful both to those who wish to pursue further research on prosody and those who want to know more about prosody so that they can control it as a factor is socio- and psycholinguistic research.

Day-to-day programme

With the exception of Monday, all days will start with a discussion (10-15 minutes) of the previous day's reading. Friday will end with a general discussion. Check the Readings page for the questions of each discussion section.


Please bring to class paper and pencil and a laptop with Praat installed, if you do not have it already. Praat is downloadable from


Monday:          What is prosody and why do we need phonology to understand it?

Tuesday:         Intonation: handling variability and gradience

Wednesday:  Speech rhythm and timing

Thursday:       Prominence in production and perception

Friday:            The role of individual variability in production and perception

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