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Connell, B. A. & A. Arvaniti [editors]. 1995. Phonology and Phonetic Evidence: Papers in Laboratory Phonology IV. Cambridge University Press.


Aggouraki, Y., A. Arvaniti, J. I. M. Davy, D. Goutsos, M. Karyolaimou, A. Panayotou, A. Papapavlou, P. Pavlou & A. Roussou [editors]. 2001. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press.



Arvaniti, A. 1991. The phonetics of Greek rhythm and its Phonological Implications. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge. [chapter 1] [chapter 2] [chapters 3] [chapter 4-5] [chapter 6]


Arvaniti, A. 1987. The Timing of Consonant Clusters: A Study of Initial Consonant Clusters in Modern Greek. M.Phil. dissertation, University of Cambridge. [pdf]




In press/to appear/submitted


​Arvaniti, A.  Submitted. The representation of intonation. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Phonology, 2nd Edition.


Arvaniti, A. In press. Stress in Modern Greek. In G. K. Giannakis (ed), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Brill.


Arvaniti, A. In press. The vowel system of Modern Greek. In G. K. Giannakis (ed), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Brill.


Arvaniti, A., M. Grice, M. D’Imperio. In revision. Advancements of phonetics in the 21st century: Intonation. Journal of Phonetics.


Arvaniti, A., S. Gryllia, M. Baltazani. To appear. The complex relationship between the tunes and pragmatics of Greek wh-questions. In R. Eckardt, G. Walkden & N. Dehé (eds.), The Handbook of Noncanonical Questions. Oxford University Press. Preprint available at


Arvaniti, A. & H. Jeon. In press. Individual and language differences in rhythm grouping preferences: The Iambic-Trochaic Law revisited. In L. Meyer & A. Strauss (eds), Rhythms of Speech and Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Arvaniti, A., R. Orrico, & J. Kim. Intonation. Submitted. In A. Jardine & P. De Lacy (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology (2nd edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Pearce, J., J. Setter, A. Arvaniti. In press. Voice quality, pitch, and gender discrimination. In J. Setter, S. Dovchin, & V. A. Ramjattan (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Language and Prejudice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.




Orrico, R., Gryllia, S., Kim, J., & Arvaniti, A. (2025). Individual variability and the H* ~ L+H* contrast in English. Language and Cognition. DOI:




Arvaniti, A., Katsika, A. & Hu, N. 2024. Variability, overlap and cue trading in intonation. Language 100(2): 265-307.


Hu, N. & Arvaniti, A. 2024. Individual variability in the use of tonal and non-tonal cues in intonation. JASA Express Letters 4, 095203.


Hu, N., Kim, J., Orrico, R., Gryllia, S., & Arvaniti, A. 2024. Can OpenAI’s TTS model convey information status using intonation like humans? Speech Prosody 2024


Hu, N., Schnack, H., & Arvaniti, A. 2024. Automatic pitch accent classification through image classification. Interspeech 2024


Kim, J., Hu, N., Gryllia, S., Orrico, R., & Arvaniti, A. 2024. Delineating H* and L+H* in Southern British English. Speech Prosody 2024


Orrico, R., Gryllia, S., Hu, N., Kim, J., & Arvaniti, A. (2024). Prosodic prominence in Greek: methodological and theoretical considerations. Speech Prosody 2024


Arvaniti, Amalia. 2022. The Autosegmental-Metrical model of Intonational Phonology. In Jonathan Barnes  & Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel (Eds), Prosodic Theory and Practice. The MIT Press, pp. 26-63. [pdf of submission]
Gryllia, S., Kim, J., Orrico, R., Hu, N., & Arvaniti, A. (2023). Accent realization in spontaneous speech: Greek H* and L+H*. Proceedings of ICPhS 2023. 
Ladd, D. R. & Arvaniti, Amalia. 2023. Prosodic Prominence Across Languages. Annual Review of Linguistics 9:171-193. [

Orrico, R., Gryllia, S., Kim, J., & Arvaniti, A. (2023). The influence of empathy and autistic-like traits in prominence perception. Proceedings of ICPhS 2023​​​​



Arvaniti, Amalia. 2022. Measuring speech rhythm. In Rachael-Anne Knight & Jane Setter (Eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Phonetics. Cambridge University Press, pp. 312-335. [pdf of submission]


​Arvaniti, A., Gryllia. S, Zhang, C., & Marcoux, K. 2022. Disentangling emphasis from pragmatic contrastivity in the English H* ~ L+H* contrast. Speech Prosody 2022, pp. 837-841, doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-170


Gryllia, S., Arvaniti, A., Zhang, C., & Marcoux, K. 2022. The many shapes of H*. Speech Prosody 2022, pp. 754-758, doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-153



Andrikopoulou, Angeliki, Athanasios Protopapas, and Amalia Arvaniti. 2021. Lexical Stress Representation in Spoken Word Recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 47 (6): 830–851.


Zhang, C. K. Jepson , G. Lohfink  , & A. Arvaniti. 2021. Comparing acoustic analyses of speech data collected remotely. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149, 3910;



Arvaniti, A. 2020. The phonetics of prosody. In M. Aronoff (Editor in Chief), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.  [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. & Janet Fletcher. 2020. The Autosegmental-Metrical theory of intonational phonology. In C. Gussenhoven & A. Chen (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody, pp. 78-95. Oxford University Press. 



Arvaniti, A. 2019. Crosslinguistic variation, phonetic variability, and the formation of categories in intonation. Proceedings of ICPhS 2019.


Baltazani, Mary, Stella Gryllia, & A. Arvaniti. 2019. The intonation and pragmatics of Greek wh-questions.  Language and Speech. DOI: 10.1177/0023830918823236 [pdf]


Gryllia, Stella, Mary Baltazani, & A. Arvaniti. 2019. Evidence for the compositionality of tunes and intonational meaning. Proceedings of ICPhS 2019


Lohfink, Georg, Argyro Katsika, & A. Arvaniti. 2019. Variability and category overlap in the realization of intonation. Proceedings of ICPhS 2019.



Piccinini, A. & A. Arvaniti. 2018. Dominance, mode, and individual variation in bilingual speech production and perception.  Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. [pdf]


Gryllia, Stella, Mary Baltazani, & A. Arvaniti. 2018. The role of pragmatics and politeness in explaining prosodic variability. Speech Prosody  2018.



Arvaniti, A., Marzena Å»ygis & Marek Jaskula. 2017. The phonetics and phonology of the Polish calling melodies. Special Issue "Slavic perspectives on prosody" (Marzena Zygis & Zofia Malisz, eds.), Phonetica 73 (3-4): 338-361. open access


Jeon, Hae-Sung & Amalia Arvaniti. 2017. Effects of rhythm and phrase-final lengthening on word-spotting in Korean. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141, 4251-4263. doi: 10.1121/1.4983178 [pdf of submission];

Arvaniti, A. 2016. Analytical decisions in intonation research and the role of representations: Lessons from Romani. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 7(1): 6, pp. 1–43, open access
Arvaniti, A. & Madeleine Atkins. 2016. Uptalk in Southern British English. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016, Boston. Available from
Jeon, Hae-Sung & Amalia Arvaniti. 2016. Rhythmic grouping in English, Greek and Korean: Testing the iambic-trochaic law. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016, Boston. Available from
Katsika, Argyro & Amalia Arvaniti. 2016. Tonal targets and phonetic variability. Available from
Prom-On, Santitham, Yi Xu, Wentao Gu, Amalia Arvaniti, Hosung Nam, D. H. Whalen. 2016.  The Common Prosody Platform (CPP): Where theories of prosody can be directly compared. Available from

Protopapas, Athanassios, Eleonora Panagaki, Angeliki Andrikopoulou, Nicolás Gutiérrez Palma, Amalia Arvaniti. 2016. Priming Stress Patterns in Word Recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Jul 4 , 2016,


Piccinini, Page & A. Arvaniti. 2015. Voice Onset Time in Spanish-English Spontaneous Code-Switching. Journal of Phonetics 52: 121-137. [pdf of final prepublication version] [JPhon link]


Arvaniti, A. & D. Robert Ladd. 2015. Underspecification in intonation revisited: a reply to Xu, Ladd, Prom-on and Liu. Phonology 32(3): 537-541.


Arvaniti, A. & Tamara Rathcke. 2015. The role of stress in syllable monitoring. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 0635 available from


Arvaniti, A., Marzena Żygis & Marek Jaskula. 2015. The phonetics and phonology of the Polish vocative chant. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 0297 available from


Piccinini, Page & A. Arvaniti. 2015.  Voice Onset Time in Spanish-English spontaneous code-switching. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 0212 available from


Adamou, Evangelia & A. Arvaniti. 2014. Illustrations of the IPA: Greek Thrace Xoraxane Romane. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 44(2): 223-231.


Arvaniti, A., Mary Baltazani & Stella Gryllia. 2014. The pragmatic interpretation of intonation in Greek wh-questions. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 7, Dublin 20-23/05/2014. [pdf]


Ritchart, Amanda & A. Arvaniti. 2014. The form and use of uptalk in Southern California English. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 7, Dublin 20-23/05/2014. [pdf] Updated version of the research reported in our 2014 POMA paper.


Ritchart, Amanda & A. Arvaniti. 2014. The use of high rising terminals in Southern Californian English. POMA 20, 060001. [pdf]


Piccinini, Page & A. Arvaniti. 2014. Accessing cross language categories in learning a third language. In W. Orman & M. J. Valleau (Eds), BUCLD 38: Proceedings of the 38th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp. 342-354. Cascadilla Press. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. & Tara Rodriquez. 2013. The role of rhythm class, speaking rate and F0 in language discrimination. Laboratory Phonology 4: 7-38. [pdf]


Tilsen, Sam & A. Arvaniti. 2013. Speech rhythm analysis with decomposition of the amplitude envelope: Characterizing rhythmic patterns within and across languages. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134(1): 628-639. [pdf]


Chung, Younah & A. Arvaniti. 2013. Speech rhythm in Korean: Experiments in speech cycling. POMA 19, 060216. [pdf]


Grijalva, Criccely, Page Piccinini & A. Arvaniti. 2013. The vowel spaces of Southern Californian English and Mexican Spanish as produced by monolinguals and bilinguals. POMA 19, 060088. [pdf]


Horton, Russell & A. Arvaniti. 2013. Cluster and classes in the rhythm metrics. San Diego Linguistic Papers 4. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2012.The usefulness of metrics in the quantification of speech rhythm. Journal of Phonetics 40: 351-373. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2012. Chapter 11.2 Segment-to-Tone Association. In A. Cohn, C. Fougeron & M. Huffman (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Laboratory Phonology, pp. 265-274. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2012. Rhythm classes and speech perception (prepublication version). In O. Niebuhr (Ed.), Prosodies: Context, Function and Communication. Walter de Gruyter. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. 2011. The representation of intonation. In Marc van Oostendorp, Colin Ewen, Elizabeth Hume and Keren Rice (Eds), Companion to Phonology, Wiley-Blackwell. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. & E. Adamou. 2011. Focus expression in Romani. 28th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Cascadilla Proceedings Project. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. 2010. Linguistic practices in Cyprus and the emergence of Cypriot Standard Greek. Mediterranean Language Review 17: 15-45. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2010. A (brief) overview of the phonetics and phonology of Cypriot Greek. In A. Voskos, D. Goutsos & A. Mozer (Eds), The Greek Language in Cyprus from Antiquity to Today, pp. 107-124. Athens: University of Athens. [pdf]


Adamou, E. & A. Arvaniti. 2010. Language-specific and universal patterns of narrow focus marking in Romani. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2010, Chicago, 11-14 May 2010. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. & Tristie Ross. 2010. Rhythm classes and speech perception. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2010, Chicago, 11-14 May 2010. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. 2009. Rhythm, timing and the timing of rhythm. Phonetica 66: 46-63. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A., D. R. Ladd. 2009. Greek wh-questions and the phonology of intonation. Phonology 26: 43-74. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2009. Greek intonation and the phonology of prosody: polar questions revisited. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, pp. 14-29. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A., T. Ross & N. Ferjan. 2008. On the reliability of rhythm metrics. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124: 2495.


Ferjan, N., T. Ross & A. Arvaniti. 2008. Second language rhythm and rhythm metrics. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123: 3427.


Ross, T., N. Ferjan & A. Arvaniti. 2008. Quantifying rhythm in running speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123: 3427.



Arvaniti, A. 2007. Greek Phonetics: The State of the Art. Journal of Greek Linguistics 8: 97-208. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2007. On the presence of final lowering in British and American English. In C. Gussenhoven & T. Riad (Eds), Tone and Tunes, vol. 2: Experimental Studies in Word and Sentence Prosody, pp. 317-347. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. & G. Garding . 2007. Dialectal variation in the rising accents of American English. In J. Cole & J. H. Hualde (Eds), Papers in Laboratory Phonology 9, pp. 547-576. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2007. On the relationship between phonology and phonetics (or why phonetics is not phonology). Special Session: Between Meaning and Speech: On the Role of Communicative Functions, Representations and Articulations. Proceedings of ICPhS XVI, pp. 19-24. [pdf]


del Giudice, Alex, Ryan K. Shosted, Katherine Davidson, Mohammad Salihie & A. Arvaniti. 2007. Comparing methods for locating pitch "elbows." Proceedings of ICPhS XVI, pp. 117-1120. [pdf]


Kilpatrick, Cynthia, Ryan K. Shosted & A. Arvaniti. 2007. On the perception of incomplete neutralization. Proceedings of ICPhS XVI, pp. 653-656. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A., D. R. Ladd & I. Mennen. 2006. Phonetic effects of focus and "tonal crowding" in intonation: Evidence from Greek polar questions. Speech Communication 48: 667-696. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A., D. R. Ladd & I. Mennen. 2006. Tonal association and tonal alignment: evidence from Greek polar questions and contrastive statements. Language and Speech 49: 421-450. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. Linguistic practices in Cyprus and the emergence of Cypriot Standard Greek. San Diego Linguistic Papers 2.


Arvaniti, A. 2006. Erasure as a means of maintaining diglossia in Cyprus. San Diego Linguistic Papers 2.



Arvaniti, A., R. Shosted, C. Kilpatrick. 2006. On the perception of epenthetic stops in American English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120: 3249.


Shosted, R., A. Del Giudice, A. Arvaniti. 2006. Comparing methods for measuring pitch "elbows". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120: 3091.



Arvaniti, A. & M. Baltazani. 2005. Intonational analysis and prosodic annotation of Greek spoken corpora. In Sun-Ah Jun (Ed), Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing. Oxford University Press. 84-117. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2005. Pronunciation and intonation [in Greek]. In S. Efstathiadis (Ed), Breakthrough Level for Modern Greek. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. and B. D. Joseph. 2004. Early Modern Greek /b d g/: Evidence from Rembetika and Folk Songs. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 22: 73-94. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2004. Final lowering: fact, artefact or dialectal variation? Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116: 2644.



Arvaniti, A. 2003. Peak scaling in Greek and the role of declination. Proceedings of XVth ICPhS, pp. 2269-2272. Barcelona, 4-9 August 2003. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. & S. Godjevac. 2003. The origins and scope of final lowering in English and Greek. Proceedings of XVth ICPhS, pp.1077-1080. Barcelona, 4-9 August 2003. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. Pronunciation and intonation [in Greek]. 2003. In S. Efstathiadis (Ed), Vantage Level for Modern Greek, pp. 193-204. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. 2002. The intonation of yes-no questions in Greek. In M. Makri-Tsilipakou (Ed), Selected Papers on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, pp. 71-83. Thessaloniki: Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle University. See Arvaniti, Ladd & Mennen (2006, SpeCom) instead


Arvaniti, A. 2002. Dimorphy, diglossia and the emergence of Cypriot Standard Greek [in Greek]. Recherches en linguistique grecque, vol. I: 75-78. Paris: L' Harmattan. See Arvaniti, (2010, MLR) instead


Arvaniti, A. & B. D. Joseph. 2002. Modern Greek [b d g] in the early 20c.: Evidence from folk and rebetica songs. Recherches en linguistique grecque, vol. I: 67-70. Paris: L' Harmattan. See Arvaniti & Joseph (2004) instead


Arvaniti, A. & T. Pelekanou. 2002. Postlexical rules and gestural overlap in a Greek spoken corpus. Recherches en linguistique grecque, vol. I: 71-74. Paris: L' Harmattan. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. & L. Taylor. 2002. On the origins and scope of final lowering. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112: 2443.



Arvaniti, A. 2001. Comparing the phonetics of single and geminate consonants in Cypriot and Standard Greek. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Greek Linguistics, pp. 37-44. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2001. The intonation of wh-questions in Greek. Studies in Greek Linguistics 21:57-68. Thessaloniki. See Arvaniti & Ladd (2009) instead


Arvaniti, A. 2001. Cypriot Greek and the phonetics and phonology of geminates. Proceedings of International Conference for Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory. Patras, 12-14 October 2000. [pdf]


Tserdanelis, G. & A. Arvaniti. 2001. The acoustic characteristics of geminate consonants in Cypriot Greek. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Greek Linguistics, pp.29-36. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2001. Pronunciation and intonation [in Greek]. In S. Efstathiadis (Ed), Waystage Level for Modern Greek, pp. 99-106. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 2001. Pronunciation and intonation [in Greek]. In S. Efstathiadis (Ed), Intermediate Level for Modern Greek, pp. 181-190. Thessaloniki: Center for Greek Language. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. 2000. The acoustics of stress in Modern Greek. Journal of Greek Linguistics 1: 9-39. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. & B. D. Joseph. 2000. Variation in voiced stop prenasalisation in Greek. Glossologia 11-12: 131-166. [pdf] [Or see it in The Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics 52 (1999): 203-232.]


Arvaniti, A., D. R. Ladd & I. Mennen. 2000. What is a starred tone? Evidence from Greek. In M. Broe & J. Pierrehumbert (Eds), Papers in Laboratory Phonology V: Acquisition and the Lexicon. Cambridge University Press, 119-131. [pdf]


Grice, M., D. R. Ladd & A. Arvaniti. 2000. On the place of "phrase accents" in intonational phonology. Phonology 17:143-185. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. & M. Baltazani. 2000. GREEK ToBI: a system for the annotation of Greek speech corpora. Proceedings Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2000), vol. II, pp. 555-562. Athens: European Language Resources Association. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. & G. Tserdanelis. 2000. On the phonetics of geminates: evidence from Cypriot Greek. Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP2000), Beijing 23-27 October 2000. [pdf]


Christogiannis, C., T. Varvarigou, A. Zappa, Y. Vamvakoulas, C. Shih & A. Arvaniti. 2000. Construction of the acoustic inventory for a Greek Text-to-Speech concatenative synthesis system. Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2000), Istanbul, June 5-9, 2000. [pdf]


Christogiannis, C., Y. Stavroulas, Y. Vamvakoulas, T. Varvarigou, A. Zappa, C. Shih & A. Arvaniti. 2000. Design and implementation of a Greek text-to-speech system based on concatenative synthesis. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP2000), Beijing 23-27 October 2000. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. 1999.  Illustrations of the IPA: Modern Greek. Journal of the International Phonetic Association  29: 167-172. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 1999. Illustrations of the IPA: Cypriot Greek. Journal of the International Phonetic Association  29: 173-176. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 1999. Effects of speaking rate on the timing of single and geminate sonorants. Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 599-602, San Francisco, CA. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 1999. Greek voiced stops: prosody, syllabification, underlying representations or selection of the optimal? Proceedings of the 3rd International Linguistics Conference for the Greek Language, 383-390. Athens: Ellinika Grammata. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 1999. Pronunciation and Intonation [in Greek]. In S. Efstathiadis (Ed), Threshold for Modern Greek, vol. A, pp. 159-167. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A., D. R. Ladd & I. Mennen. 1998. Stability of tonal alignment: the case of Greek prenuclear accents. Journal of Phonetics 26: 3-25. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 1998. Phrase accents revisited: comparative evidence from Standard and Cypriot Greek. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, vol. 7: 2883-2886, Sydney. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 1998. Evidence for prosodic structure in recent blends in Greek. [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 18: 68-82. Thessaloniki, Greece. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. 1997. Greek "emphatic stress": a first approach. Greek Linguistics 95: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Greek Linguistics, vol. I: 13-24. The Department of Linguistics, University of Salzburg. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. & D. Robert Ladd. 1995. Tonal alignment and the representation of accentual targets. Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Stockholm, vol. 4: 220-223. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 1995. Sociolinguistic patterns of prenasalisation in Greek. Studies in Greek Linguistics 15: 209-220. Thessaloniki, Greece. See Arvaniti & Joseph (2000) instead



Arvaniti, A. 1994. Acoustic features of Greek rhythmic structure. Journal of Phonetics 22: 239-268. [pdf]



Arvaniti, A. 1992. Secondary stress: evidence from Modern Greek. In G. J. Docherty & D. R. Ladd (Eds), Papers in Laboratory Phonology II: Gesture, Segment, Prosody. Cambridge University Press, 398-423. [pdf]


Arvaniti, A. 1992. On stress clashes in Modern Greek. Progress Reports from Oxford Phonetics 5: 1-10. Oxford University Phonetics Laboratory. See Arvaniti (1994) instead



Arvaniti, A. 1991. Rhythmic categories: a critical evaluation on the basis of Greek data. Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, vol. 2: 298- 301. Université de Provence, Service des Publications. See Arvaniti (2009), Arvaniti (1994) and Arvaniti (1991) instead



Arvaniti, A. 1990. Review of Botinis, A. (1989) Stress and prosodic structure in Greek, Lund University Press. Journal of Phonetics 18: 65-69.



Arvaniti, A. 1989. On a new conception of the metrical structure of Greek. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on the Description and/or Comparison of English and Greek, pp. 159-182. Thessaloniki, Greece.


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