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In December 2013, my former student Amanda Ritchart presented at the ASA  joint work on the use of uptalk in SoCal English. A lay version of this research can be found at the lay language paper site of the Acoustical Society of America. An updated version, presented at Speech Prosody 7, can be downloaded from here.


This research received a lot of attention in the media. Among others, coverage appeared in the BBC site (no 1 in the most shared category on 8/12/2013), the Time magazine newsfeed, National Geographic, Washington Post, and NBC. I was interviewed for the BBC (Inside Science) and NPR (Science Friday), and we also received a shoutout from the Linguistic Society of America and an invitation to write a blog post for the Huffington post. Mark Liberman also discussed our uptalk work in the Language Log


I have since published some new work examining the use, spead and function of uptalk in Southern British English. A critical finding is that uptalk frequency and function varies significantly by discourse context. This research was presented at the 2016 Speech Prosody and you can download it from here.


waveform and pitch track with uptalk


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